
Welcome to the Buddhist Council of Wales site. Here you will find details of events, information and news relating to the organisations which are members of the Council and also to other Buddhist organisations – a resource for all Buddhists in Wales.


Buddhist Council of Wales – Cyngor Bwdaidd Cymru 

About the Buddhist Council of Wales

The Buddhist Council of Wales was established to bring together in harmony the various Buddhist traditions practising in Wales. It endeavours to ensure that Buddhism, as one of the recognised faiths in Britain, is represented at government, civic and faith occasions in Wales. Representatives from the Council attend meetings of the Interfaith Council for Wales and the National Assembly for Wales Faith Communities Forum.

National Assembly for Wales Faith Communities Forum

Two representatives—usually the Chair and Vice Chair—serve on the National Assembly for Wales Faith Communities Forum chaired by the First Minister. The Forum enables leaders of the major faith communities to discuss issues that affect the social, cultural and economic life of Wales. It promotes a dialogue between the National Assembly for Wales, the Welsh Assembly Government and faith leaders.

The minutes of these meetings can be found on the Welsh Government website.

Interfaith Council for Wales

The same two representatives are appointed by the Council to serve on the Interfaith Council for Wales where members of the various faith communities can meet and share faith to faith issues. It has access to the members of the Faith Communities Forum and can report issues which may be brought to the attention of the Welsh Assembly Government. http://www.interfaithwales.org

Buddhist Council of Wales Constitution, Aims and Principles and Members' Code of Conduct

Constitution for the Buddhist Council of Wales (opens a pdf)

Aims and Principles of the Buddhist Council of Wales
  1. To ensure that Buddhism is represented, when invited, at government, civic, religious, social and cultural occasions in Wales. Any representative of the Buddhist Council of Wales attending government, civic, religious, social and cultural occasions in Wales, attends as a representative of Buddhism as a whole. 
  2. To send elected representatives to the meetings of the National Assembly for Wales Faith Communities Forum and of the Interfaith Council for Wales. 
  3. To inform its Member organisations of decisions and events arising from the above. 
  4. To help facilitate the religious needs of Buddhists residing in Wales. 

Code of Conduct
Members agree to uphold the aims and principles of the BCW.

Through commitment to Buddhist principles and practice, members agree to promote harmony and respect among Buddhists of all schools and traditions.

Members agree to conduct themselves in a manner that will promote harmony and respect towards one another, towards other Buddhists, and also towards people of different faith or no faith.

Buddhist Council of Wales Officers

Chair: Dr David Taikyo Morgans - Zen Association Wales
Vice Chair: Ngakpa 'o-Dzin Tridral - Aro gTer
Secretary: Marcus Staff - Rissho Kosei-kai

Further information

List of member and other Buddhist Organisations in Wales
Buddhist Council of Wales blog
Buddhist Council of Wales on Facebook
Buddhist Council of Wales on Twitter