“Wales takes great pride in being a tolerant society with long-standing multicultural and multi-faith traditions which are by now deeply engrained in many of our communities. Events happening elsewhere in the world can often bring problems and tensions to the surface and the Faith Communities Forum can then provide a valuable mechanism for dialogue and close co-operation between the different faiths in Wales, the Welsh Assembly Government and political parties.
Set up in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, it has played an important role in promoting better understanding and respect between communities. It also plays a key role in addressing issues of common interest and I value greatly the contribution made by the Forum to issues which have an impact on religious communities themselves and on the wider health of good community relations in Wales.”

Rt Hon. Rhodri Morgan AM, First Minister for Wales 2000-2009
(Quotation link: http://www.cytun.org.uk/interfaithwales/interfaith_eng_home.html)
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