
Welcome to the Buddhist Council of Wales site. Here you will find details of events, information and news relating to the organisations which are members of the Council and also to other Buddhist organisations – a resource for all Buddhists in Wales.

Friday, 18 October 2013

New Buddhist Centre in Cardiff

Following the success of the Aro gTér Tradition’s centre in Bristol, Aro Ling Cardiff has opened in Whitchurch Village, north Cardiff.  The opening day on the 28th September was well attended and the centre has been enthusiastically received.

The centre is small, consisting of a single practice room.  It is decorated in the traditional colours of a Nyingma Gompa – the colours indicated by the artist of HH Düdjom Rinpoche.

Aro Ling Cardiff is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and offers:
early morning meditation 7:30 - 8:20
lunchtime meditation 12:30 - 1:30
relaxation sessions 10:30 - 11:30
Plus therapy: reflexology and Tibetan Energy Balancing by appointment.
Evening classes run on a Tuesday and Thursday 7 - 8:30

The October evening classes have been successful and well attended.  Two more short 4-week courses for this term begin in November:
Liberating Energy Through the Power of Song
Fundamental Realities

Liberating Energy Through the Power of Song will explore how our voices are a powerful expression of who we are and our primary means of communication. Yet we can also often be blocked at this energetic level – lacking in confidence and unwilling to sing out. Through voice exercises, and the use of ancient syllables and melodies from the yogic traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, this course will help us learn to free the power of our voice. No previous singing experience necessary. 

Fundamental Realities will look at what it means to be human, impermanence and death, karma, and the experience of dissatisfaction.

For further information go to <aro-ling.org> or <meetup.com/aro-ling-cardiff> or contact the centre on 07092 010756 or at aro.ling.cardiff@gmail.com

Monday, 14 October 2013

Message from the Chair

The Buddhist Council of Wales apologises for the absence of its website for an extended period of time.  This was due to a problem with the service provider.  I am happy to say that the domain of buddhistcouncilofwales.org.uk is now secure.

We look forward to receiving your enquiries and to the normal functioning of our virtual presence.

Best wishes from Nor’dzin Pamo,
Chair of the Buddhist Council of Wales