Council Cymru - the official organisers of the Black History Month
Wales programme have announced the Black History Month Wales 2017
10th Anniversary.
They are also organising the 2nd Youth Awards which were launched in 2016 and seek nominations for any BAME young person aged 13
to 30 who organisations/ providers/employers feel deserves wider recognition for their achievements.
on the BHM Wales Youth Awards and sponsorship opportunities are
attached for your information including the links to nomination
There will be events taking place all over Wales and the
Black History Wales Youth Awards will take place on
Friday 29th September 2017 at 12pm at Pierhead Building Cardiff Bay.
The closing date for nominations is Thursday 31st August 2017
The categories this year include
Visual Art, Outstanding Academic Achievement, Music /Performing Art,
Good Citizens, Entrepreneur, Young Leader, Science and Innovation, Young
Volunteer, Young Carer and Sport.
Official BHM Wales launches will take place on:
Saturday 30th September 2017 at 12pm - 5.30pm at National Museum of Wales, Cathay's Park, Cardiff
Saturday 30th September 2017. North Wales Launch at Bangor. Venue: TBC
Sunday 1st October 2017 at 2pm - 6pm. North Wales Launch at Wrexham. Venue: Saith Seren.
The Black History Month Wales Grand Finale will take place on
Sunday 29th October 2017 at 12pm - 7pm - at Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay.
If you are interested in attending the event,
sponsoring or having a stall please contact at
Ebed A.
Volunteer Administrator
The Cardiff Volunteer Centre