
Welcome to the Buddhist Council of Wales site. Here you will find details of events, information and news relating to the organisations which are members of the Council and also to other Buddhist organisations – a resource for all Buddhists in Wales.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Welsh Assembly Government Faith Communities Forum Meeting 24/10/2012

Some of the agenda items discussed at this meeting:
  1. Chaplaincy – continued support from the Welsh Government
  2. Nation of Sanctuary – Welsh government backs the bid for Wales to become recognised as a Nation of Sanctuary 
  3. Presentation with regard to the ‘Tackling Poverty Strategy’ – focus on material needs; the Forum raised the point that faith communities can offer support in terms of the spiritual needs of those in poverty; a means of communication with regard to such possible support to be explored
  4. Organ Donation Consultation update – some representative raised concerns over the bill to move towards a opt-out system in Wales; concerns discussed around the wording of the bill seeming to differ from the expressions of its application
  5. Prayers at Council Meetings – is it necessary for the Welsh government to intervene to allow prayers to be on the agenda at Council meetings
The Buddhist Council of Wales is the medium for all Buddhists in Wales to have a voice with the Welsh Assembly Government through its participation in the Faith Community Forum. If any Buddhist, Buddhist group, Buddhist tradition or lineage wish to make any comment or offer an opinion on any of these items, or have a topic that you feel should be raised with the Welsh Assembly Government, please contact the Buddhist Council of Wales – there is a contact form on the website.  

Interfaith Council for Wales Meeting 24/10/2012

The meetings of the Interfaith Council for Wales discuss the activities of numerous interfaith groups throughout Wales and those based in universities and chaplaincies. The meetings are usually well attended by representatives of all the major faiths in Wales. It is a useful forum to hear of the many valuable interfaith initiatives occurring throughout Wales such as:
  • Tŷ Cwrdd at Glamorgan University Chaplaincy
  • Ysbyty Gwynedd Multi-faith Chaplaincy Centre in Bangor
  • Community House, Newport, Gwent ‘One World Week’
  • The ‘Religion Café’ at Cardiff University Chaplaincy.
Buddhist are already involved in many interfaith activities and others may wish to become involved. If you, your Buddhist group, Buddhist tradition or lineage are involved in interfaith activities anywhere in Wales, please do let us know at the Buddhist Council of Wales. We can act as a focus of information and thereby inform the whole Buddhist community throughout Wales of interfaith activities and interfaith opportunities in Wales.
Please contact the Buddhist Council of Wales using the contact form on the website.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Appeal from Sangapadipa Temple

Ajah Sawat is a Thai monk, who came to Wales to support his people both culturally and spiritually. His intention is to work with various people to support a dedicated meditation centre. Sangapadipa Temple would like to relocate from the Gwent Valleys to Bridgend, but it can only do this by raising the appropriate funds. The temple will be a place for other teachers and programmes to exist and develop in unison. A shared vision for many. We have the necessary structure, volunteers and spiritual support that is necessary to make this aspect unfold. If you would like to donate to this project and support our wishes, your offering would be greatly received. Within your circle of friends please could you pass our intentions outward.


Sunday, 10 June 2012

Buddhist Art

A collection of Buddhist Art for sale from Keith Brainin.

  • A superb collection of antique and modern statues, masks and ritual objects
  •  A fabulous collection of rare antique Thankas from Tibetan temples as well as modern Nepalese Thankas painted by contemporary masters
  •  A comprehensive compendium of antiquarian, rare and outstanding books covering a wide range of topics including Buddhism, early Himalayan travel, Tibetan culture, history and art

Monday, 7 May 2012

Korean Spirit and Culture Promotion Project.

The Korean Spirit and Culture Promotion Project are offering a free talk to Buddhist groups in the UK on the subject of 'Hongik Ingan', the founding philosophy of Korea. This philosphy has found expression through numerous works of Buddhist art, such as the Tripitaka Koreana woodblock library and Sarira reliquary. It is also visible through the advances in society made in the past 50 years in South Korea, an inspiring story achieved through people working together for the common good, and one that remains largely uncovered by the world press.

The philosophy of Hongik Ingan or "living for the benefit of all" is a message of universal value, and of particular interest to those with a faith in the ability of human beings to interact for the good of the world. Aside from the core message of the talk, the items of Buddhist heritage discuss provide a deep insight into the distinctiveness of Korean Buddhist art.

The talk is accompanied by short videos and free books, including a biography of the great Buddhist Master Wonhyo, are also made available.  There are no fees or expenses for the talk on weekends. During the week a contribution to travel expenses is appreciated, and evenings are preferred.

For further information contact Matthew Jackson at matthew.jackson@kscpp.net

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Service of Thanksgiving

On Thursday 26th April two representatives of the Buddhist Council of Wales attended a Service of Thanksgiving at Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.  Ngakma Nor’dzin Pamo (Chair) and Padmasimha (Vice Chair) joined the cathedral clergy and other faith representatives in procession through the cathedral before HRH Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip arrived.

The procession included: firstly Her Majesty's Body Guard of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms; then the Queen's Body Guard of the Yeoman of the Guard; then the Cathedral Choir; then the faith representatives; then the Cathedral Clergy, the Chapter and Diocesan Officials; and finally the Bishops of the Church in Wales.  It was a most colourful procession with the yeoman all in red and the clergy in their finery.  The Archbishop of Wales looked splendid in his white cloak decorated in gold.

Ngakma Nor’dzin comments: “We sat beyond the choir stalls near the altar, which meant we had a wonderful experience of the full richness of the cathedral organ, but had a poor view of the Queen and Prince Phillip who were seated the other side of the choir stalls nearer to the congregation.  The service was joyful and the singing most beautiful.  After the royal party had left we then processed back through the cathedral.  Thankfully the rain held off and it was a most pleasant and enjoyable day.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Wales One World Film Festival

Wales One World Film Festival brings films from around the world to various arts venues across Wales.

A segment of the WOW 2012 programme has a distinct emphasis on films from far-flung parts of Asia, with two films from Mongolia; the incredible music documentary; AnDa Union, From The Steppes to the City and the beautiful The Eagle Hunter’s Son, a Mongolian Kes with its exploration of the extraordinary relationship between a nomad boy and his eagle.  Also screening is Old Dog from the wilds of Tibet which works both as the story of an old man and his loyal mastiff and a metaphor for Tibet's relationship with China.

These films are showing on 10th and 11th April Taliesin Arts Centre at Swansea University.

For more information about these films, venues and the rest of the festival programme please visit www.wowfilmfestival.com

You can follow us on Twitter.com/wowfilm and we’re using the hastag #wowfilm2012

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Buddhist Council Meeting

The first meeting of the Buddhist Council of Wales for 2012 was hosted by the Cardiff Buddhist Centre.  It was an excellent meeting with much fruitful discussion and a warm and friendly atmosphere.  The primary issue discussed was a change to the constitution to allow associate membership as well as full voting membership of the Council.  This will be finalised in time for voting in at the September meeting.  The meeting also welcomed Marcus Staff as representative of a new Council member organisation: Rissho Kosei-kai.

The photograph—taken by Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin Tridral—is of the triptych in the upstairs practice room of the Buddhist Centre.  We were shown round the Triratna centre by Padmasimha.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Clinical Pastoral Education

The Awakened Heart Sangha are hosting a course in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). Mary Waterford from Canberra, Australia will conduct the CPE programme. Mary is a Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor and coordinator of pastoral care in palliative care in Canberra. Mary has wide experience and a passion for pastoral care across the diversity of belief traditions that make up our world. It promises to be a very interesting course.
The introductory course is being held at:
Hermitage of the Awakened Heart, Ynys Graianog, Ynys, Criccieth, Gwynedd, LL52 0NT
email: hermitage@ahs.org.uk; tel: 01766 530839
Dates and Cost: 
14 – 18 May
£225 full board or
£125 if staying off site
If you would like to apply for the Introductory Course, please contact Shrimala Devi at shrimala@ahs.org.uk or phone 01766 810847
See also:  www.buddhism-connect.org   and   www.hermitageoftheawakenedheart.org
Clinical Pastoral Education is training for pastoral care, involving the acquisition of skills, personal development and spiritual integration. It is an experiential adult learning process.
It began as a movement in the 1920’s in the USA, and since then has spread throughout the world. Successful completion of a unit is recognised world-wide. Courses at The Canberra & Region Centre for Spiritual Care & Clinical Pastoral Education are authorised and accredited by the NSW College for CPE www.cpensw.com, which is an affiliated body of the Australia & New Zealand Association for Clinical Pastoral Education.
The trainee learns how to be effectively present to the person and to relate appropriately to the emotional and spiritual life of the person, enabling the person to draw on their own inner resources to help with their current situation. The trainee learns also to call on all their own resources, including their spiritual and inner life, to best provide care for the person in need.
The Canberra and Region Centre covers pastoral and spiritual care for all contexts including hospitals, prison, parish, mental health and aged care.
Introductory Course
This is a 40 hour unit designed to introduce the concepts of pastoral care and the nature, scope and philosophy of CPE. It includes:
  • what pastoral care is today
  • the history of CPE
  • a look at the philosophy underlying pastoral care
  • basic communication skills
  • the concept of action/reflection
  • the importance of feelings and emotions in developing empathy
  • the relationship of thought, feeling and action
  • Group work with a practical component

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

St David’s Day Parade

Ngakma Nor’dzin—Chair of the Buddhist Council of Wales—was invited to take part in the St David’s Parade on March 1st.  She was joined by several other representatives of the Buddhist community in Wales, with five traditions being represented in all.

The religious representatives were placed near the beginning of the parade, behind the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress.  There were also members of the Salvation Army, and Rev. Aled Edwards OBE of Cytûn.

If we take part again next year, we hope to have a Buddhist Council of Wales banner to add to the colour and pageantry of the event.  The weather was glorious and it was a most enjoyable day.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

March meeting

The next meeting of the Buddhist Council of Wales is at Cardiff Buddhist Centre on Sunday March 11th at 2pm.  Representatives of non-member groups are welcome to attend one or two meetings as guests.  Please contact the Chair, Nor’dzin Pamo, by leaving a comment on this blog or via the website if you wish to attend the meeting.

The draft agenda is below.

11th March 2012 at 2pm
Cardiff Buddhist Centre

1.   Opening meditation
2.   Apologies
3.   Minutes of last meeting
4.   Matters arising
5.   Chair's report
6.   Membership and constitution
7.   Membership application
8.   Spiritual Care Group – Cardiff and Vales NHS
9.   Any other business
10. Date of next meeting.
11. Closing meditation

Monday, 20 February 2012

Calling all Buddhists!!

The 10th National St. David’s Day Parade 2012 will be taking place on Thursday 1st March.  Ngakma Nor’dzin Pamo, Chair of the Buddhist Council of Wales, will be joining the parade.

Nor’dzin says:
“I’m happy to have been invited to join the parade and hope that other Buddhists who are able to be in Cardiff on that day will join me.”

If you can join the parade with Nor’dzin please get in touch with us via the website or leave a comment on this blog - or just show up on the day.  Participants will be assembling by City Hall from 11:30 and the parade begins at 12:30.

Monday, 6 February 2012

The Holocaust Memorial Day, Wales, 2012

Ngakma Nor’dzin Pamo attended the Wales Holocaust Memorial Day Service as Buddhist representative. This was held at City Hall in Cardiff.  The theme for the 2012 service was: Speak Up, Speak Out.  The service was led by The Reverend Stewart Lisk, Hon Chaplain of Cardiff Council, and remembered not only the Holocaust of Nazi persecution but other genocides since that time, such as Cambodia 1975-79, Rwanda 1994 and Bosnia 1995.

Literature accompanying the Order of Service identified eight stages of a gradual process that could enable a basic lack of respect and tolerance to escalate to a Holocaust:
  1. Classification – ‘us’ and ‘them’
  2. Symbolisation – indicating those who are ‘different’
  3. Dehumanisation
  4. Organisation
  5. Polarisation
  6. Preparation
  7. Extermination
  8. Denial
The Service—conducted in English and Welsh—included several musical interludes by Cardiff County & Vale of Glamorgan Youth Choir, and Cardiff County & Vale of Glamorgan String Quartet.  Wreaths were laid by The Rt Hon. Carwyn Jones, AM, First Minister of Wales; by Councillor Rodney Berman, Leader of Cardiff Council; Saleem Kidwai, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Wales; and Norma Golten, South Wales Jewish Representative Council .

The Pledge was originally written by Gwyneth Lewis, National Poet of Wales 2005/6, for the 2006 Holocaust Memorial Day service which had the theme: One Person Can Make a Difference:
The fight for justice starts and ends with me
Truth is the sound of what I may say.
I can only be well when others are free
And right has a price I’m prepared to pay.
I refuse to be afraid
Of force or hatred
I will pull their lie like weeds,
Plant gardens of more generous seeds.
If I turn my back and walk away
Who’ll ask for others what I want for me?
I can only be well when others are free
And right has a price I’m prepared to pay.