
Welcome to the Buddhist Council of Wales site. Here you will find details of events, information and news relating to the organisations which are members of the Council and also to other Buddhist organisations – a resource for all Buddhists in Wales.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Wanted - Welsh language speaking Buddhists

The Buddhist Council of Wales has received an enquiry from Lowri Williams of the BBC, appealing for Welsh language speaking Buddhists to help with the production of bilingual resources for GCSE Religious Studies revision. Can you help?

“I'm a producer for BBC Bitesize, an online revision resource for GCSE students. I'm currently in the early production stage of a brand new bilingual resource for Religious Studies (Wales only). The resource will be based on the WJEC's new specification to be taught from September 2017.

The WJEC’s new specification mentions the importance of including a Welsh perspective, and as it will be a bilingual English/Welsh resource, would you be able to recommend any Welsh-speaking Buddhists or centres where there are Welsh speakers please?”